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Here's a list of problems people have reported in
ANSI Common Lisp. I haven't checked them all yet.
The ones that say caught I have checked, the ones that say
reported I haven't.
p. 34. I should have said that our-equal works for "lists
of symbols," rather than just "lists". Caught by Bill
p. 46. Richard Fateman points out that the best way to check for
palindromes is simply (equal x (reverse x)).
p. 57. To solve problem 3.6(b) you need to use a rest parameter,
which is not introduced until p. 102. Caught by
Ricardo Ferreira de Oliveira.
p. 57. Problem 3.9 should say the longest path with no
p. 60. The version of bin-search in figure 4.1 blows up
if you give it an obj which
is smaller than the smallest element in vec. Reported by
Richard Green.
p. 71. The definition of bst-remove is
broken. Sorry about that!
It and bst-delete have been corrected in the
source code.
Caught by Chris Stover.
p. 80. In exercise 4.5, the definition of bst-adjoin is identical to the
functionality of the already written bst-insert. Reported by
Richard Green.
p. 97. In exercise 5.4, num-month should be month-num. Caught by
David Sletten.
p. 120. "there should be single line" should have an "a" in it.
Caught by Marcel Molina Jr.
p. 165. In the definition of quicksort, > should be >= on lines
12 and 13. Reported by Jed Crosby.
p. 177. Pierpaolo Bernardi reports that bubble
sort should be selection sort.
p. 203. The definition of bst-delete is broken. See note on
p. 71.
p. 204. In the last full paragraph, "rest field" should be "next field".
Caught by Adam Langley.
p. 317. The template for cond has an extra set of parentheses.
It should be (cond (test expression*)*). Caught by Adam Jacobs.
p. 338 The :read-only-p defstruct slot option should be :read-only.
Caught by Laurent Peron.