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(This is an excerpt from the influential article by John Foderaro
in the September 1991 Communications of the ACM.)
Lisp is a chameleon. It has survived by adapting
to changes in its surroundings. Moreover, Lisp has
actually thrived on changes. When structured programming
became popular in the 1970s, Lisp users immediately
experimented with new structured control forms and
the best ones were adopted as part of Lisp.
Fortran programmers could only simulate structured
constructs by enforcing a discipline on the use of
goto statements.
Object-oriented programming (OOP) was another
idea that spread through the community several years
ago. The Smalltalk language demonstrated that OOP
was a very useful approach for software development.
Many versions of Lisp added OOP through the addition
of an object system called Flavors, which went beyond
Smalltalk and included multiple inheritance and
method combination. Flavors added OOP to Lisp in a very
natural way, without upsetting existing programs....
When Lisp adopts a new paradigm it not only replicates
existing practice, but goes beyond it to become a
testbed for advancing the state of the art. Why
has Lisp been able to adapt so easily when other
languages have not? One reason is that Lisp is
a programmable programming language. Not
only can you program in Lisp (that makes it
a programming language) but you can program the
language itself. This is possible, in part, because
Lisp programs are represented as Lisp data objects,
and partly because there are places during the scanning,
compiling and execution of Lisp programs where user-written
programs are given control. Contrast this with the
C compiler, where the only user input to the compilation
process is the ability to define macros that do simple
string transformations on the source code.