Let's Do Lunch

November 2010

Note: This item was originally part of the silent auction, but it has now been switched to the live auction. The live auction starts at 8 pm but if you want to bid you should show up by 7 to buy a ticket.

One of the items at this year's Harvest Moon Auction for the Bing Nursery School Scholarship Fund is lunch with me to talk about your startup or startup idea. I'll take the winner to lunch somewhere good and we can either talk about what you plan to work on, or if you aren't sure yet, figure out an idea that you'd be well-suited to work on. It's effectively the first two office hour sessions of Y Combinator, but with no dilution and better food.

The item in question is #406. The auction is on the evening of November 13 at the Stanford Alumni Center, 326 Galvez Street Stanford, California. The live auction starts at 8 pm, but you have to buy a $20 ticket to participate, and the Bing folks recommend you get there by 7 at the latest to buy your ticket.

Sorry, there's no way to bid remotely. You have to show up in person.