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Here's a list of problems people have reported in On Lisp.
I haven't checked them all yet. The ones that say caught I
have checked, the ones that say reported I haven't.
p. 14. "One of the big differences ... are the large number"
Caught by John Chandler.
p. 18. In the footnote, x should be n, and parameter should be plural.
Caught by Kris Steegmans.
p. 23. our-find-if would recurse infinitely if no element matches.
Caught by Markus Triska.
p. 75. "it would [be] safe to assume".
Caught by Markus Triska.
p. 85. `(,a ,(b `,c))) has an extra close paren.
Caught by Jon Ericson.
p. 156. In do-tuples/o the expression (1- (length parms))
should be (- (length source) (length parms)).
Reported by Roland. (at netquant.com.br)
p. 176. In the second to last line, "grows exponentially" should be
"grows quadratically."
Caught by Chris Oliver.
p. 189 et seq. Anaphora is not a plural.
p. 191 (acond (3)) returns nil when it should return 3.
Same problem with acond2, p. 198.
Caught by Terrence Ireland.
p. 222. In the definition of asetf, 'setf should be'(lambda (x y) y).
Caught by Francois-Rene Rideau.
p. 223. The &optional in the definition of defanaph is unnecessary.
Caught by Francois-Rene Rideau.
p. 246. Extra a in "An embedded language is not a like a..."
Caught by Markus Triska.
p. 267. The global value of *cont* should be #'values instead of #'identity.
Caught by Francois-Rene Rideau.
p. 293. The last line of choose should be indented two more spaces.
(This doesn't change its behavior of course.) Caught by Alejandro Forero Cuervo.
p. 301 In Figure 22.9, equal? should be eq?.
Caught by Francois-Rene Rideau.