August 2003
We may be able to improve the accuracy of Bayesian spam filters
by having them follow links to see what's
waiting at the other end. Richard Jowsey of
death2spam now does
this in borderline cases, and reports that it works well.
Why only do it in borderline cases? And why only do it once?
As I mentioned in Will Filters Kill Spam?,
following all the urls in
a spam would have an amusing side-effect. If popular email clients
did this in order to filter spam, the spammer's servers
would take a serious pounding. The more I think about this,
the better an idea it seems. This isn't just amusing; it
would be hard to imagine a more perfectly targeted counterattack
on spammers.
So I'd like to suggest an additional feature to those
working on spam filters: a "punish" mode which,
if turned on, would spider every url
in a suspected spam n times, where n could be set by the user. [1]
As many people have noted, one of the problems with the
current email system is that it's too passive. It does
whatever you tell it. So far all the suggestions for fixing
the problem seem to involve new protocols. This one
If widely used, auto-retrieving spam filters would make
the email system rebound. The huge volume of the
spam, which has so far worked in the spammer's favor,
would now work against him, like a branch snapping back in
his face. Auto-retrieving spam filters would drive the
costs up,
and his sales down: his bandwidth usage
would go through the roof, and his servers would grind to a
halt under the load, which would make them unavailable
to the people who would have responded to the spam.
Pump out a million emails an hour, get a
million hits an hour on your servers.
We would want to ensure that this is only done to
suspected spams. As a rule, any url sent to millions of
people is likely to be a spam url, so submitting every http
request in every email would work fine nearly all the time.
But there are a few cases where this isn't true: the urls
at the bottom of mails sent from free email services like
Yahoo Mail and Hotmail, for example.
To protect such sites, and to prevent abuse, auto-retrieval
should be combined with blacklists of spamvertised sites.
Only sites on a blacklist would get crawled, and
sites would be blacklisted
only after being inspected by humans. The lifetime of a spam
must be several hours at least, so
it should be easy to update such a list in time to
interfere with a spam promoting a new site. [2]
High-volume auto-retrieval would only be practical for users
on high-bandwidth
connections, but there are enough of those to cause spammers
serious trouble. Indeed, this solution neatly
mirrors the problem. The problem with spam is that in
order to reach a few gullible people the spammer sends
mail to everyone. The non-gullible recipients
are merely collateral damage. But the non-gullible majority
won't stop getting spam until they can stop (or threaten to
stop) the gullible
from responding to it. Auto-retrieving spam filters offer
them a way to do this.
Would that kill spam? Not quite. The biggest spammers
could probably protect their servers against auto-retrieving
filters. However, the easiest and cheapest way for them
to do it would be to include working unsubscribe links in
their mails. And this would be a necessity for smaller fry,
and for "legitimate" sites that hired spammers to promote
them. So if auto-retrieving filters became widespread,
they'd become auto-unsubscribing filters.
In this scenario, spam would, like OS crashes, viruses, and
popups, become one of those plagues that only afflict people
who don't bother to use the right software.
[1] Auto-retrieving filters will have to follow redirects,
and should in some cases (e.g. a page that just says
"click here") follow more than one level of links.
Make sure too that
the http requests are indistinguishable from those of
popular Web browsers, including the order and referrer.
If the response
doesn't come back within x amount of time, default to
some fairly high spam probability.
Instead of making n constant, it might be a good idea to
make it a function of the number of spams that have been
seen mentioning the site. This would add a further level of
protection against abuse and accidents.
[2] The original version of this article used the term
"whitelist" instead of "blacklist". Though they were
to work like blacklists, I preferred to call them whitelists
because it might make them less vulnerable to legal attack.
This just seems to have confused readers, though.
There should probably be multiple blacklists. A single point
of failure would be vulnerable both to attack and abuse.
Thanks to Brian Burton, Bill Yerazunis, Dan Giffin,
Eric Raymond, and Richard Jowsey for reading drafts of this.