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PC Magazine:
"Viaweb Store has taken e-commerce to a new level,
making this
expanding field readily accessible to anyone who has an Internet
Business Week:
"Viaweb offers online, point-and-click instant store-building."
PC World:
"Viaweb can have you selling your products online in minutes, literally.
It doesn't get much easier."
"Conventional wisdom has it that selling your wares on
the Internet is an expensive proposition. Wrong...
Enter a two-year-old Cambridge, Mass-based startup called
Viaweb. Its proposition: We'll give you all the software you
need to create a Web store, lease you virtual mall space and
handle all of the housekeeping,
including order taking and report
Wall Street Journal Online
"electronic storefront technology for merchants seeking a
quick route into cyberspace."
USA Today Online:,
"Makes it possible for businesses to build their Web stores
on the server."
Internet Computing:
"For someone who wants to get online fast with a small start-up
budget, this is the best choice."
""For people who've been hanging back
wondering if they should put their small business
on the Web, Viaweb's product says, Yes, you
can get involved and
you don't
need a rocket scientist to do it," said Emily
Green, an analyst at Forrester Research."
"Viaweb has relatively
little competition at the low end of the
e-commerce market. Viaweb Store is designed
for non-technical users, while most online
storefront software is created for technical
sophisticates, such as systems integrators or
Wired Online:
"An easy-to-use site-authoring tool encourages even
the least geek-prone of e-store owners to create and
manage merchandising empires."
Inc Technology:
"When the virtual store yielded little more than an occasional
sale after a year of operation, Treitman opted for a more complete
Web site hosting service. He chose the online store system Viaweb
Store, from Viaweb.
Treitman's new strategy has paid off: Web sales already account for
5% of Softpro's sales, up from virtually
nil a year ago."
Communications Week:
"The first phase of a new breed
of Web-based thin client hosting services for
electronic commerce."
Marketing Technology:
"Viaweb continues to zoom ahead of
its competitors."
"Dean & DeLuca had a presence using iCat's software.
But Scott said that a new product, Viaweb, is easier
to use to make changes to the store."
Boston Globe:
"Viaweb has vastly simplified
the process of setting up shop on the Web. Using Viaweb Store
and working in a standard browser,
technical neophytes can instantly create an on-line
store that describes and illustrates products. Better
yet, Viaweb returns invaluable tracking data to the
store owner, revealing where buyers are coming from
and how much they are spending."
Electronic Advertising & Marketplace Report:
"Viaweb seems to have what might be the right strategy to make the
Web the universal shopping center
envisioned by so many."
Internet World:
"Users can
create secure online
stores in minutes,
modifying them using a forms-based
interface that allows them to adjust everything from
background color to button size without using HTML."
"Viaweb's inclusion of the affiliate-management capability in
its 4.0 release is likely to pressure its competitors
to keep up."
"What's remarkable about Viaweb is just how
advanced you can get with customization. This is the
mark of a mature and well-executed product: It
addresses the needs of both beginners and advanced
E Business:
"Viaweb has developed the
quickest and cheapest way for anyone to build
and run a secure, graphically-cool store on the Net."
"One of the true electronic
commerce success stories."
"What would it take to get you to start a Web-based retail
business? How about if you could be up and running, in a
secure environment, in less than a day, for $300 a month?
What if building your site required no programming or computer
expertise beyond knowing how to use a Web browser?
You can do it on Viaweb,
a Boston-based electronic mall,
hosting service, and server-based e-commerce software vendor."
Interactive Week:
"Viaweb offers an easy way to start an electronic commerce Web site.
The product comes with store-building software, secure hosting, and
industrial-strength tracking tools."
"Using software developed by Viaweb, net stores can
determine not only where their customer traffic is
coming from, but which visitors buy the most."
Seybold Bulletin:
"We really like the Viaweb concept. It lowers the cost
barrier for would-be Web merchants in somewhat the way
that desktop publishing lowered the cost barrier for
setting type. Large companies can use Viaweb to test
the Web waters before setting up their own servers;
small businesses may never need
anything more."
"Companies without system management capabilities or budgets can
benefit tremendously
from Viaweb's outsourcing model."
PC Week Online:
"Enables users to become Internet merchants
in 10 minutes."
Cool Tool of the Day:
"Viaweb is THE solution if you're a small business
(or even a big business) that wants to get into the
e-commerce game for cheap."
Mass High Tech:
"Another industry leader
is Viaweb Inc. This company offers a
browser-based program that enables small to mid-sized enterprises
to set up an on-line retail store in minutes."
"One of the best things about Viaweb is that as your
online store - and your confidence in running it -
grows, you can tap into more and more Viaweb
Web Commerce Today:
"Viaweb Store has
perfected an awesome array of statistics
which not only tell you
what products were viewed, but the most common paths customers
take in your store (great for design analysis and improvement),
what link the shopper clicked on to get to your store, and which
banner ads or search engine links produced the highest per capita
sales for your store."
Investor's Business Daily:
"A common pitfall of Internet shopping is that it's hard to browse
unless you already know
the sites that sell what you want to buy. To the rescue
comes Shopfind,
a new search engine from privately-held Viaweb."
New York Times Online:
"Shopfind, a new site from Viaweb, is about as useful as an
agent, though it functions more like an ordinary search service
scouring the Web. Shopfind is also fast,
and users don't have
to first download software to use it. "
"Viaweb Store provides secure online ordering, tracking and marketing
tools, and a listing in Viamall, the busiest mall
on the Web."
PC Computing:
Interface Monthly:
"Viaweb's unique methodology -
a combination of building, hosting,
and tracking tools - allowed Vermont Teddybear to create its new online
store and process credit card orders securely."
Telecommunications Reports:
"A new feature of the software allows merchants to manage
multiple mailing lists."
Retail Technology News:
"Gartner Group's Guptill says he doesn't expect all on-line malls
to disappear, and he cites Viamall as an exceptional
success story."
"Viaweb Inc. is trying to make it as easy as possible for
its customers to set up storefronts with its Viaweb Store 3.0
product, which includes storefront-building software, secure hosting
and tracking tools."
AdWeek Online:
"Viaweb Store has been used by Rolling Stone,
Virgin Interactive, and Frederick's of Hollywood."
Marketing Technology:
"Two companies that have been leading the way in their price categories
for a while now are Viaweb and Intershop Online."
New Media:
"Dean & DeLuca, a renowned New York City-based gourmet foods
retailer, used iCat's Electronic Commerce Suite to develop its
first online catalog. It found that the information iCat could
provide about customers wasn't specific enough, so it switched
to Viaweb."
"Cataloger Hanover Direct is gearing up to put all 14 of its
books on the Web as online stores. In an unusual move, 12 of
the catalogs are using off-the-shelf software by Cambridge, MA-based
Viaweb Inc. to create the online stores."
Business '97:
"An easy, quick, and cheap way to build, promote, and run a
store on the Web."
Catalog Age Show Daily:
"Hanover chose Viaweb to place its remaining titles online
primarily because of its easy-to-use interface, low cost, and
the ability for direct control over text and graphics."
Microsoft Interactive Developer:
"Anyone with a Web browser can build a store.
The system runs entirely on Viaweb's
server, so there is no software to download or install."
The Journal of Commerce:
"At $100 to $300 a month, Viaweb virtually takes the cost
risk out of starting your own online business.
The company touts itself as the best low-cost high-quality
solution to bringing your business online, and on close
inspection through its Web site, I tend to agree."
Search Engine Update:
"Viaweb provides sophisticated online shopping software [that]
can track how a visitor found a
web site and how much they spent during their visit."
"Small businesses and large enterprises can enter the
electronic commerce marketplace today without the expense
and headaches of running a commerce server. Sound to
good to be true? It did to me, yet the solution seems to
work effectively for a number of businesses, including
Virgin Interactive, Rolling Stone, and Frederick's of
Multimedia Entertainment & Technology:
"Since it began using [Viaweb], Virgin has increased its sales
directly over the Internet by 300%"
"Nylander said that approximately 50,000 catalogs have
been ordered online since the site opened, with about
3% resulting in sales, about double the rate for other
catalog requests."
Home PC:
"Viaweb Store can help you run a thriving
Internet-based business."
Retailing Technology:
"A unique feature of the Viaweb service is that retailers
can create their commerce sites remotely with a standard
"Viaweb's online store service provides
terrific tracking tools for identifying where
your most qualified visitors are coming from."
Retail Info Systems News:
"The Frederick's site, according to company officials, was an
immediate success."
Media Daily:
"Viaweb Store enables merchants to establish an online
storefront in a matter of minutes and to maintain the shop
- including a customer-tracking mechanism -
for as little as $100 a month."
E.Commerce Today:
"Boston Marathon Web store built in
less time than
required to win race."
Boston Business Journal:
"Viaweb Inc lets any merchant build a commercial
web-based catalog with a standard web browser and
Internet connection - no technical experience required."
Demo Letter
"Viaweb's online store software lets even the most lightweight,
non-technical business owner set up an Internet store - and be
in business in very short order."
Direct Newsline:
"Viaweb Store helps anyone create an on-line store in minutes."
Marketing with Technology News:
"The most fascinating product at the DMA show was
from Cambridge, MA-based Viaweb Inc."
Interactive Marketing News:
"Viaweb Store boasts ease of use and tracking features
that pinpoint whence a customer comes, what search
keywords bring them into a store, and how much they
spend there and on what."
Report on Electronic Commerce:
"Merchants using Viaweb can know, by way of several
simple spreadsheets, which pages consumers look at in
their sites and in which order, the Web site consumers
were looking at immediately prior to theirs, and, in
the case of a search engine, which search queries they
were using within that engine."
Electronic Commerce News:
"Sales and marketing professionals will have new Web
tracking tools with a new version of online store
software from Viaweb."
Information & Interactive Services Report:
"Viaweb has already attracted a client list that includes
the likes of Frederick's of Hollywood, Rolling Stone,
International Male, and Huntington Clothiers."
PC World Online:
"Customers can track statistics on where visitors to their site
are coming from, which sources generate the most sales,
and, for visitors who arrive from a search engine,
which keywords they typed - information that's vital
in developing Web marketing plans."
DM News:
"When Damart Inc launched its first Web site two
weeks ago, it joined a growing list of direct
marketers that have turned to Viaweb Inc to create
their online stores.
Customers cite low cost and ease of use among
the attractions of Viaweb, but the company also
offers a high-traffic cybermall and newly upgraded
statistical tracking tools."
Internet Week:
"Analyst Mary Doyle of IDC/Link said Viaweb's
tracking software will be useful. "It's pretty
sophisticated. They tried to get a handle on the
minds of Web shoppers.""
Communications Week:
""Without Viaweb, I don't think we would do one tenth of the
sales that we do now," says John Wells"
"Viaweb's online Web catalog solution is so simple
and elegant that I predict it's a harbinger of things
to come...What's more, its reporting facilities are
some of the best I've seen. Not only do you see the
hits on each category or item, but you also see the
total sales generated for each."
Frisco Life:
"Viaweb allows you to
set up a storefront on the Internet in a matter of
moments with no special codes or software of your own.
Yet you can still give your store a custom look."
"But the presentation that really had the capital folks
nodding their heads--and crowding the break-out session
afterwards--came from Cambridge, MA's Viaweb, which
showed off its Web-based virtual store-building software
that's so easy to use that CEO Paul Graham built a store in 10
Electronic Commerce News:
"Moore Medical Corp, with $289 million in annual sales and more
than 100,000 medical organizations as customers, is using Viaweb to
run its one week old online store."
"With Moore, Viaweb acquires its first significant business to business
customer. Viaweb already has two of the top thirty catalog companies
as customers."