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Server blacklists tend to go bad, because the power they confer
corrupts the people running them. They turn into vigilantes
and start blacklisting innocent
The most notorious example is the MAPS RBL.
I used to
recommend Spamhaus's SBL
as an alternative, but it seems even this
previously upstanding service is going the way of other blacklists.
This email I received recently sounds eerily familiar:
You described the Spamhaus SBL as
"responsible". I beg to differ. I recently noticed that my IP range, ----,
was blacklisted on the Spamhaus SBL. I inquired as to the reason for
that, and they informed me that my data center, ----, had hosted
some spammers in the past. Their entire network, subnet mask ----,
is blacklisted. I explained to them that while I can't vouch for the
rigor with which ----'s AUP is enforced, that I am innocent in the
matter, and requested that my four IPs be whitelisted. I got back
a rather rude response along the lines of "no we won't, because
it's your fault for using an ISP that tolerates spam". I don't find
that answer terribly responsible.
This is bad news, not just for the SBL but for the whole idea of
blacklists. The SBL was started
with the explicit aim of avoiding the kinds of abuses that
had tainted other blacklists. So if even they are going the
way of the MAPS RBL, one has to assume that every blacklist will,