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August 2003
There are many ways to fight spam. Which works best?
So far the best single solution is probably Bayesian filtering.
But you don't have to choose just one. Many of the
following solutions could be used in combination.
Complaining to Spammers' ISPs
Good: Raises cost of spamming.
Bad: Laborious.
Role: Partial solution, for experts.
This was the original spam solution. Believe it or not, complaints can
have an effect. True, spammers expect to be shut down, and already have
fresh accounts lined up. Constantly switching
providers is just a cost of doing business. But the
faster they get booted due to complaints, the greater this
cost becomes.
Complaining effectively is difficult. Most
spammers forge the headers of their emails to disguise their
origin. You have to learn to interpret headers
to understand where a spam really came from.
Another option is to complain to the ISP hosting the site
advertised in the spam (or, if the ISP is a spam hosting
service, their upstream provider). But again, it can
take some effort to figure out who this is.
Mail Server Blacklists
Good: Block spam right at the server.
Bad: Incomplete, sometimes irresponsible.
Role: A first pass to eliminate up to 50% of spam early on.
Groups of volunteers maintain blacklists of mail servers
either used by spammers, or that have security holes that
would let spammers use them. Some ISPs subscribe to such
blacklists, and automatically
refuse any mail from servers on them.
Blacklists have two downsides. One is that they never manage
to list more than about half the servers that spam comes from.
Another is that
a blacklist is only as good as the people running it. Some
blacklists are run by
who shoot first and ask questions
later. Using the wrong blacklist could mean bouncing a lot
of legitimate mail.
Blacklists are useful as at the ISP level, as long as you (a)
use a responsible one (if there are any) and
(b) don't expect it to be more
than a first cut at the problem.
Signature-Based Filtering
Good: Rarely blocks legitimate mail.
Bad: Catches only 50-70% of spam.
Role: A first-pass filter on big email services.
Signature-Based filters work by comparing incoming email to
known spams.
does it by maintaining a
network of fake email addresses. Any email sent to these
addresses must be spam. So when they see the same email sent
to an address they're protecting, they know they can filter it out.
In order to tell whether two emails are the same, these systems
calculate "signatures" for them. One way to calculate a signature
for an email would be to assign a number to each character, then
add up all the numbers. It would be unlikely that a different
email would have exactly the same signature.
The way to attack a signature-based filter is to add random
stuff to each copy of a spam, to give it a distinct signature.
When you see random junk in the subject
line of a spam, that's why it's there-- to trick signature-based
The spammers have always had the upper hand in the battle against
signature-based filters. As soon as the filter developers figure
out how to ignore one kind of random insertion,
the spammers switch to another. So signature-based
filters have never had very good performance.
Bayesian (aka Statistical) Filtering
Good: Catch 99% to 99.9% of spam, low false positives.
Bad: Have to be trained.
Role: Best current solution for individual users.
Bayesian filters
are the latest in spam filtering technology. They
recognize spam by looking at the words (or "tokens") they
A Bayesian filter starts with two collections of
mail, one of spam and one of legitimate mail. For every word
in these emails, it calculates a spam probability based on
the proportion of spam
occurrences. In my own email,
"Guaranteed" has a spam probability of 98%, because it occurs
mostly in spam; "This" has a spam probability of 43%, because it
occurs about equally in spam and legitimate mail; and "deduce" has
a spam probability of only 3%, because it occurs mostly in
legitimate email.
When a new mail arrives, the filter collects the 15 or 20
words whose spam probabilities are furthest (in either direction)
from a neutral 50%, and calculates from these an overall
probability that the email is a spam.
they learn to distinguish spam from legitimate mail by looking
at the actual mail sent to each user, Bayesian filters are
extremely accurate, and adapt automatically as spam evolves.
Bayesian filters vary in performance. As a rule you can count
on filtering rates of 99%. Some, like
SpamProbe, deliver
filtering rates closer to 99.9%.
Bayesian filters are particularly good at avoiding "false
positives"-- legitimate email misclassified as spam.
This is because they consider evidence of innocence as well
as evidence of guilt. A Bayesian filter is unlikely to
reject an otherwise innocent email that happens to
contain the word "sex", as a rule-based filter might.
The disadvantage of Bayesian filters is that they need to be
trained. The user has to tell them
whenever they misclassify a mail. Of course, after the filter
has seen a couple hundred examples, it rarely guesses wrong,
so in the long term there is little extra work involved.
Another disadvantage of Bayesian filters is that they're
new. The technology only became widespread in 2003. Most
commercial spam filters are still rule-based.
Rule-Based (aka Heuristic) Filtering
Good: The best catch 90-95% of spam, easy to install.
Bad: Static rules, relatively high false positives.
Role: Easy server-level solution.
Rule-based filters look for patterns that indicate spam:
specific words and phrases, lots of uppercase and exclamation points,
malformed headers, dates in the future or the past, etc. This is
how nearly all spam filters worked until 2002.
The performance of rule-based filters varies hugely. The simplest just
reject any email that contains certain "bad" words. These
are laughably easy for spammers to beat, and also tend to reject
a lot of legitimate email.
On the other hand, sophisticated rule-based filters like
Spamassassin can be quite
effective. You can probably count on
a good rule-based filter catching 90-95% of current spam.
The main disadvantage of rule-based filters is that they tend to
have high false positive
rates--often as high as .5%. (A trained Bayesian filter's
false positive rate would be less than a tenth of that.)
Another disadvantage is that the rules are static.
When spammers learn new tricks, the filter's authors
have to write new rules to catch them.
And because rule-based filters are static targets, spammers
can tune their mails to get past them. Sophisticated spammers
already test their mails on popular rule-based filters
before sending them. In fact, there are
sites that
will do this for free.
The advantage of rule-based filters over Bayesian filters is
that they're easy to install at the mail server level. Bayesian
filters require users
to train them by telling them when they misclassify an
email, so running one on the server
is a little more complicated
(but probably worth it).
Challenge-Response Filtering
Good: Stops 99.9% of spam.
Bad: Rude, delays or drops legitimate email.
Role: Grandmothers, cranks.
When you get an email from someone you haven't had mail from
before, a challenge-response
filter sends an email back to them,
telling them they must go to a web page and fill out a form
before the email can be delivered.
The advantage of challenge-response filters is that they
let through very little spam. (At least, so far.) The
disadvantage is that they're rude. Spam
means extra work for all of us. By using a
challenge-reponse filter, you're saying that
you expect the extra work of keeping your inbox free of
spam to be done by the people who send you mail.
The other disadvantage of challenge-response filters is that
much legitimate mail will either be lost, or delayed until
it's too late to be useful. Suppose an acquaintance
is going to a party tonight and decides to invite you too. Your
filter replies with a challenge. But she doesn't see this till
she checks her mail again the next day, by which time it's
too late.
Occasionally senders will never reply to the challenge,
and the email they sent you will be lost. Some respond
to this by saying "if they're not willing to do a
little work to talk to me, I probably don't want to hear from
them anyway." But there are cases where this is clearly not
true. I have several email addresses that all get forwarded to
one account. If someone using a challenge-response filter
sends me a question, the reply will come from an address their
filter hasn't seen and I'll get a challenge back.
If such challenges seem rude when
you're the one initiating contact, imagine how they seem when
you get one after replying to someone's question.
I never bother to respond, and I'm probably not the only one.
There are also technical objections to challenge-response
filters. What happens when spammers happen to use some
innocent person's address as the from-address in a spam,
for example? What happens when spamware authors (who aren't
stupid) figure out how to spoof challenges? How do you
create a challenge that blind
people can pass?
If such technical objections could be overcome, challenge-response
filters would have a place.
They'd be suitable
for users like my mother, who says that she only gets email from
about 10 different addresses, and gets mail from a new address
only about once a year. They might also be good
in combination with other kinds of spam filter; you could
challenge the mails that a Bayesian filter classified
as spam, for example, just in case any were legit.
But using just challenge-response on all your incoming
email is like putting a ten-foot chain-link fence around your
house. Yes, it will
keep people out, but it also sends the world a certain message
about you.
Good: Truly threaten spammers.
Bad: Aren't enforced, or are full of loopholes.
Role: Could eliminate 80% of spam, if done right.
There are two problems with laws against spam: they usually
contain large loopholes inserted by lobbyists, and the worst
class of spammers ignore them.
But it isn't necessarily a waste of time to try to pass
laws against spam. Even if some spammers do ignore laws,
getting rid of the
rest would still be worthwhile.
To be effective, spam laws would have to have criminal and
not just civil penalties.
The most prolific spammers in the US have made themselves
judgment proof-- by putting
all their assets in their wife's name, for example,
or by buying a house in Florida.
(Florida law
protects real estate against civil judgments.
This is one of the reasons Florida,
and Boca
Raton in particular, is the spam center of the
But the main thing any law against spam needs is
enforcement. There are plenty of
laws against spam, and
they seem to have no effect. One reason is that the states
don't enforce them.
One option currently being considered is a do-not-spam
list, like the US do-not-call list.
I don't think this will work. All it
would take is one person to crack the security, and the
list would be out there, irretrievably.
The main loophole in spam laws is usually in the definition
of spam. Most spam laws allow unsolicited email to recipients
who have a prior relationship with the sender. This is
reasonable, but you have to define carefully what a prior
relationship consists of. There is a whole class of
spammers (they currently call themselves
"permission-based email marketers") who get email addresses
by buying them from websites with unscrupulous privacy policies.
By calling the site they bought your address from an "affiliate"
or "partner", the spammers claim that they too have a prior
relationship with you, and are thus exempt from spam laws.
This loophole would have to be closed for any anti-spam law
to work. The way to draw the line between spam and marketing
is to look at where the sender got your email address.
If they merely bought your address, or harvested it from web pages,
chat rooms, or newsgroups, then they don't have a prior relationship
with you.
If a federal spam law simply said that any email to an address
thus obtained had to have ADV in the subject line, that
alone could get rid of 50% of spam.
Legitimate direct marketers would have little objection to
such a measure; they don't want their brands to be tarnished by spamming,
and never buy or harvest email addresses.
(Only a few well-known brands use spam.
Gevalia, owned by Kraft, is probably the most
Some see First Amendment problems with laws against spamming.
But there are plenty of precedents. The closest are probably
the federal laws against junk faxes and telemarketing with recorded messages.
There doesn't seem to have been much protest against these on
free speech grounds.
A law against spam could have some effect, even if it wasn't very
well enforced, because it would further stigmatize spam. Spammers
have families, friends, and neighbors, and these all exert some
amount of pressure on them.
Alan Ralsky
said that he
had promised his wife not to send porn spams. (You probably
have to pay extra attention to your wife when all your assets are
in her name.) Perhaps if there were a federal law against spam,
with criminal penalties, she'd make him stop altogether.
Good: Raise cost of spamming.
Bad: Involve blacklists.
Role: Speculative idea.
About 95% of spams contain links to web pages. If everyone
who received a spam actually followed the links in it, the
traffic would be a heavy burden on the spammers' servers.
That's the idea behind FFBs (Filters that Fight Back).
If many spam filters automatically crawled sites mentioned in spams,
the resulting traffic could generate high server loads
and bandwidth costs for spammers.
The biggest spammers could probably protect themselves against
FFBs overloading their server, but even in their case the
bandwidth would have to be paid for, raising the cost
of each spam. Smaller spammers would be crushed by FFBs.
A medium-sized spam hosting account allows 50 GB of transfer
per month. A moderately popular FFB could drain this in a
matter of hours.
To protect against people sending fake spams in
order to provoke FFBs to attack innocent sites, this system
would have to rely on blacklists. Only sites listed on the
blacklist would be crawled when spam mentioning them arrived.
Technically, that is the weak point of this solution: blacklists
are not always responsibly managed.
Another disadvantage to this plan is the resemblance to a
denial of service attack. It isn't a DoS attack, according
to most definitions. Even so,
some users wouldn't want to do this, even to spammers.
There are no FFBs yet, though there is now
one filter that
automatically retrieves web pages to improve accuracy.
Slow Senders
Good: Raises cost of spamming.
Bad: Requires new email protocol.
Role: Speculative idea.
Spam has low response rates (on the order of 15 per million)
but spammers make up for it with high volumes, sending millions
of emails per day. If you could slow down the rate at which
they send email, you could put them out of business.
One way to do this would be to make any computer that wanted
to send you mail perform a time-consuming
before you would accept it.
Whatever these computations were, they couldn't be too arduous,
because legitimate corporate mail servers have to be able
to send high volumes of mail. And corporate mail servers
would be running on stock hardware. Many computations can
be made hundreds or thousands of times faster by custom hardware.
Spammers already have highly tuned systems and would not be
deterred by the need for custom hardware.
So for this idea to work, you'd need to figure out a kind of
computation that couldn't easily be speeded up by custom
(You could improve the odds by incorporating Bayesian
spam recognition; instead of always requiring
the same calculation, require a calculation whose difficulty
depends on the spamminess of the incoming mail.)
Even if you could find a suitable computation, this idea would
require new email protocols. Any new
protocol has a chicken-and-egg problem: no one needs to adopt
it till everyone else does. As a result, it is practically
impossible to get a new protocol adopted for anything.
How are you going to get sysadmins who don't even bother to
install patches for years-old security holes to switch to
a new email protocol?
Penny per Mail
Good: Raises cost of spamming.
Bad: Requires new email protocol, bureaucracy.
Role: Speculative idea.
There are various
floating around for charging some small
amount per email sent. If it cost even half
a cent to send an email, spam wouldn't pay, and would disappear.
Unfortunately, I think there
would be insuperable practical problems in setting up such a
system. These proposals run into the same chicken-and-egg
problem as anything that requires a new protocol; there is
no incentive to be an early adopter.
In this case the protocol would be particularly
onerous to administer, because it would involve money. Setting
up a mail server would mean establishing a line of credit.
Security would become much more
important once money was involved. Mail servers would now
in effect transfer funds, like servers within the banking
system. This despite the fact that they are connected to
the Internet.
Charging per email wouldn't stop the worst spammers. They'd
just break into companies' computers and send mail at their
expense. And the possibility of a spammer breaking into one's
system and racking up big email bills would not make the
average sysadmin eager to become an early adopter, to say the
For this kind of approach to work, we'd first have to solve
the problem of making the average small and medium-sized
company's network secure. So we'd just be exchanging a hard
problem for a harder one.
Secret Address
Good: Easy.
Bad: Doesn't work.
Role: Facile recommendation for brief news articles.
Some recommend that you keep your address secret in order to
avoid spam. But it's hard to keep your address secret, because
other people have to know it to send you email. All it takes
is one naive friend to enter your address in a web site to send you
an electronic greeting card, and it's all over.
Even if no one discloses your address, spammers can still
get it through dictionary attacks. In a dictionary attack,
spammers try sending a test mail to millions of possible addresses.
Any that don't bounce are probably valid. My mother gets spam
as a result of a dictionary attack on AOL, even though
she only sends email to a handful of people and never
uses the Web.
Junk Address
Good: Cuts some spam.
Bad: Can't always use them.
Role: Use on web sites that make you register.
You could in principle avoid spam by giving a different email
address to everyone. Then you could just shut off any address
that got compromised. And, for what it's worth, you'd know
who was responsible.
This is a good idea when you have to enter your address on
a web site, e.g. to register for an account to read news
articles online. I usually use junk addresses for such
This is hard to do in all cases, though. You would not be
able to just print an email address on your web site or
business card. Instead you'd have to have a page you
sent people to, where they could request an email address
to use to send mail to you.
Thanks to Bill Yerazunis and Brian Burton for reading
this and suggesting several fixes.